Sunday, March 29, 2015


We have LOA (letter of acceptance).  It's the letter I've been waiting for. China's final agreement that I can adopt my little girl. From here on out the timeline will go fast. 2 weeks for this, a week for that, five days for that. Only a few more things left to file then I'll be on a plane to pick her up. I'm trying to take it all in, it seems so surreal. I've been dreaming lately of the plane ride and the day they hand me my daughter. Most likely because I'm starting to get some anxiety about flying 13+ hours to a foreign country I know little about and leaving my 3 year old son at home for the first time. Thank God for travel groups and guides that help navigate this crazy system. Hopefully I'll be posting a lot more happy news as things start coming together. I've sent my last update request to my daughter's orphanage, so I'm hoping to receive new pictures and measurements this week. Other then my update, I'm  not expecting any news this week. I have a few papers to prepare and send to my agency, so I better get on it. No delays....